Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A TOSS UP: Earrings or Shoes?


When I first starting making and selling jewelry, much to my surprise, people came back for more, particularly earrings. I soon realized a good pair of earrings held the same status as a good pair of shoes. You can never really have enough of them. 

As with shoes, which can make or break an outfit, a pair of knock out earrings will do the same. I once left the house with a beautifully tailored dress for a very special event. In my hurry and haste I had forgotten one thing, to note what my feet were wearing. I had arrived with a pair of bright green flip flops and no extra pair of shoes in the trunk to save face. I was, to say the least, mortified. But, I did have a pair of knock out earrings on, so in one sense I did end up saving my face. I believed most people hadn't even noticed my bright green flip flops with my beautifully tailored navy dress. All they noticed, were my lovely silver crafted earrings. Right?

Moral of the story: Never underestimate the power of a really good pair of earrings.

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